Born in 2016: Senate Bill 1
Championed by State Senate President Pro Tempore Martin Looney, the “Innovation Places” program was created as part of CTNext in 2016 to catalyze growth in technology and entrepreneurship in Connecticut’s urban centers.
The CTNext Board designated four locations (Hartford, Stamford, New Haven, and New London / Groton) as “Innovation Places”, who have received four years of state grant funding for catalytic projects developed by local advisory teams.
Source: New Haven Independent
innovation in action
For the first three years of the Innovation Places program, New Haven’s projects were overseen by an Implementation Team called the Elm City Innovation Collaborative, based on our initial application.
In 2020, with the opportunity for new projects and facing the economic impact of COVID-19, a new strategy and oversight group was created and renamed the New Haven Innovation Collaborative.
Our Process
Want to get involved? Review and comment on our process materials that are used to select project awards.