Funded Projects


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Tech Talent Development

With growing demand for specific STEM skills, grants for talent program seek to provide more inclusive access to good careers, support and retain the companies that want to hire them, and equip more residents with the skills to be technical founders themselves.

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Bioscience Workforce Skills

Since 2000, over 70% of New Haven’s patents have been in biochemistry, fueling new companies that are growing rapidly and looking for research talent. Informed by industry hiring needs, programs prepare residents with professional skills for entry-level positions at biotechnology companies.

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software workforce skills

With over 25% growth in software developer jobs projected over the next 10 years, companies face a current and impending shortage of technical talent. For residents, software engineering is a growing, high-paying field with few resume requirements beyond the skills to do the work.


inclusive computer skills education

Gaps in software education start early, with unequal access to computer ownership and home internet. Programs provide exposure and access to technology skills through introductory coding courses at our libraries, software youth workshops, and digital literacy programs.


Shared Facilities

Equipment and space can be a prohibitive cost for early companies. Shared facilities offer early teams space to develop and test their products, often with a community of similar interests.


Fabrication Space

Inventors have moved out of the garage and into shared maker spaces, where they have access to more equipment and a supply of potential collaborators.

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Commercial Kitchens

A pipeline of aspiring food entrepreners are looking for flexible licensed commercial kitchen space to test, develop, and produce their products. Some are driving as far as Boston to find it.


Life Science Facilities

As Yale’s Office of Cooperative Research continues to commercialize academic discoveries, early life science companies need flexible, highly specialized spaces to start in before growing.


Supporting Entrepreneurs


early / startup support

Supported programs have focused on broadening and democratizing access to entrepreneurship coaching and programs, especially for Black and Latinx founders.

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growth / resiliency support

Starting in 2020, new program grants focused on resources for growth and business survival, particularly related to gaps in capital access for BIPOC entrepreneurs.


Connective Public Spaces

Ideas and community are developed through and in spaces that welcome, convene, and connect people to each other. We’ve aimed to foster more of these spaces in New Haven by supporting:


Town green district

The Town Green Special Services District enhanced public gathering places downtown through street furniture, public plazas, events, and art on empty walls and in vacant storefront windows.

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could be fund

Could Be Fund grants for public spaces supported 7 murals, an underpass lighting installation, four public amenity projects, an outdoor seating patio, and a skate park.


mill river trail

An emerging waterfront walking and biking pathway, the Mill River Trail is planned to run from Criscuolo Park to Blake Field along the western edge of Fair Haven.


The State House

The State House is a multi-purpose event venue dedicated to promoting and expanding culture and creativity in New Haven's 9th Square.