Our Five Questions
We’ve developed broad questions as a template for our strategies:
What’s going on?
What current conditions or emerging trends are shaping the ability of residents to develop entrepreneurial solutions?
What should be done about it?
What would make it easier for residents to develop entrepreneurial solutions to meet that opportunity or challenge?
Who does that plan affect?
Who benefits from those changes? And might anyone be harmed (even indirectly)?
Who needs to do it?
Who should be involved in developing those changes? Who should be involved in implementing them?
How do we tell if it works?
What specific thing can we watch to see if we’re making progress?
Have a critique or improvement to these questions? Comment here!
What’s Next?
Starting in 2021, NHIC is trying a new way to publicly develop and improve our strategies for investing in New Haven’s innovation ecosystem.
Strategies in development will be publicly posted for comments - and we’ll be holding our own Board and staff strategy development in the same forums for your comments and review.
Several times a year, strategies will be reviewed by the NHIC Board and several will be selected as priorities for each public call for grant applications.
Our next deadline for Strategy Submission is June 30th, to be reviewed by our Board for the fall application round.
This new approach is based on our belief that economic development strategies should be:
open to critique and improvement
accountable to the public
collaboratively developed
specific and clear
If you have any suggestions or examples to improve this engagement, please email mharris@nhvinnovation.com.